Has become this Forum. I am lucky to live on the out-skirts of the
city with soul.. Missoula Mt, with our very own active chapter on this manna forum. I've been skulking around reading, old and new posts and feel like I have tripped over treasure. And to think this forum was some little ad I noticed over on the side of FB (no way ?!
Permaculture ? really ?) - stuff I Never click on. Until now.
Paul Wheaton ? Thank you for all your ruminations. I'm so very inspired. I have a biggish flock of Dominiques and spend more time than I care to admit obsessing over good-better-best ways of meeting their needs. Your big
chicken article is pain-stakingly comprehensive. I've been doing this little Farm solitary -without the stimulus of this forum - for so long, and am kinda tickled to find that I have come up with some of the things I see in here.. on my own. But now I'm just elated to find ALL these folks
goofy over the same things.
I've been thinking hard about becoming a CSA and this will be a critical link in the chain of events, I'm guessing.
Janine aka blueroot