A couple of years ago I got a website: FarmersForkingMonsanto.com. My intention was to simply fill up the site with pics of those of us with farms, gardens or even in front of a grocery. No blogs, no commentaries....just pictures of those of us that have had
enough. Operating on the premise that a picture is worth a thousand words, I can deduce that a thousand pictures are worth a million words. Sort of an everyday, ever present gathering. No other agenda, just a site filled with faces of those of us that cannot travel to a million person march.
Somehow, after posting a handful of pictures of us and a few friends, standing on our farms/in our gardens with a fork...the site was somehow closed. It expired, but IT'S BACK a/o today.
I want to try and give this another go~ If you want to add your picture, please p.m. me with a pic and your permission to add it. I plan on waiting to have a few dozen pics before populating the site. No cost, no hidden agenda, just an ever present and hopefully ever growing group of us to March On The Internet every day, every hour.