People with true intelligence understand the interacting world both above and below the soil line, they do not buy into the Big Ag. model because they know where soil fertility comes from.
Only the scientist that is lost in the big money world of commerce thinks that they can improve on the earth mothers design and methods, they are proven wrong with every long term study on soil fertility.
These people fit the definition of "Intellectual" which is "a person educated beyond their ability to comprehend". Sad but true that most of the world's scientist fit this description.
Soil science is actually in a cross roads moment now, the pure scientist follows the evidence and they are finding that a world usually thought of as simple is far more complex and in fact mirrors the human body function wise.
Most of the good soil science is now focused on the interactions of mycelium and bacteria found in the most fertile soils on the planet.
Only the uneducated think the microbiology of the earth mother is primitive, everyone who has done their homework knows there are so many interactions that take place they automatically dismiss any notion of there not being a complex structure, so the circle of life is completed.
It is unfortunate that the very people who have done the true observation and writing still tend to be dismissed by most of those involved in the commerce of food production, this is probably because the Big Ag. folks are
greed motivated instead of being truly food production oriented.
Primitive means simple organisms usually comprised of one cell to a few cells, it does not mean that there are not complex interactions going on within and between any and or all organisms.
Any "scientist" that misconstrues this is perhaps not really what they claim to be.