As a professional landscaper who managed several acres of lawns in the commercial properties i was in charge of maintaining, I hated the lawns. Of
course with commercial properties which are residential, lawns are a given. But there are some organic alternatives which make things far easier than the industrial version advertises. So I need to clarify, i like lawns in the sense of walking barefoot on them, but I need others to care for them. Designing and maintaining could be a little different than what many of you folks here may have considered previously. Here in Sweden and other places within Europe, people tend to leave many of the little volunteering small or tiny spreading wildflowers in their lawns without utilizing some nasty synthetics to keep their much sought after monocultured
lawn. Just something to consider if you incorporate some type of woodland design. There are so many things that can be done to make lawncare easier like they have it here in Europe.
In pursuit of the perfect lawn