My family, community and I are getting ready to build our next earthbag hybrid house. We will be using as many techniques and systems as possible (
solar electric and
hot water, hydronics, biogas, etc) to get totally free of any fossil fuel usage. We're currently running a
campaign on indiegogo to raise funds for materials and we are going to make a high-quality documentary about the building of the fossil fuel-free house as well as writing a how-to book on the subject ("A
Sustainable Life"). I haven't been on in years. I took part in some earthbag discussions (
2) quite some time ago. Anyway, thanks to anyone who checks this out. Super big thanks to anyone who feels strongly
enough about sustainability to help us out and I hope our documentary and book will be helpful and inspirational for anyone blazing a similar path to a sustainable way of living. It looks like we won't get nearly what we need in terms of materials but I still consider it a win that these ideas are getting introduced to so many people and of
course every bit of funding helps. Even if you can't contribute, any shares in social media would be much appreciated as well. Thanks!
The Fossil Fuel-Free House