We are wanting to move to northern Vermont to be closer to family in Quebec and Ontario.
The questions from Jack I am attempted to
answer below.
The lease fee is one time payment and here is words from our lease agreement- "Leaseholder shall have and hold the Leasehold for a term of ninety-nine (99) years beginning on the ___ day of ____, 20___, and shall automatically be renewed in perpetuity at no additional fee every ninety-nine (99) years, assuming that Leaseholder’s successors, heirs, or assigns are in good standing with REFCLT. "
As far as residency my ideas (somewhat flexible) are that the resident would stay in the house or cabin during that 6 month period or perhaps rent a place in the area. Part of our farm income is growing seed so I need to be here until October to fulfill contracts. In the winter I was planning on going to Vermont to work and if the leasehold is not sold by the end of winter I will return and probably for another growing season. The details will just have to be worked out when there is an interested party. The leasehold can not be transferred (sold) until the resident is a member. If a resident is not approved as a member there are two potential avenues. There residency can be extended by there request or the community's. If the resident is not accepted as a member then the leasehold is not available to them. Red Earth is open to a diverse group of people. From my experience there has been no one denied membership.
I attempted to homestead in the Ozarks with little luck and had lived at a student housing co-op so was familiar with communities. Found Red Earth's website from a link on Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage's page. I am not the first to resell. Two years ago a leaseholder left and her leasehold was purchased by Red Earth (long story). Also, last year a family left and there homestead is also on the market. So in someways this will be the first 'real' lease transfer but the process has already been defined so it
should not house complications.
The future is unknown but we do not have plans to live in this area again.