I’ve been lurking around on Permies for a few years now. I grew up in an apartment building and I always wanted to have a backyard garden. When I was living in Toronto, Antonio, my old Italian neighbor, taught me a bit about
gardening. Now I live in the Boston area and I have my backyard garden where I grow beans, peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, salad, spinach, radishes, herbs, grapes, blueberries, raspberries, and flowers. I planted a few
trees but I haven’t have a chance to taste fruit from them yet.
At any rate, a few years ago I was going through a difficult time in my life, and this forum helped me a lot. No matter what was going on, I knew that at the end of the day I would find myself in this peaceful realm of grass and trees, of pastured pigs and happy chicken… Now, my wife and I dream about retiring to southern New Hampshire, to grow poultry, Nigerian goats, and AGHs, to fish and to garden…
Thank you for everything I learned in the past few years and for giving me a place for daydreaming. I plan to contribute a bit a more from now on.