Since you didn't say where you are I just assumed you would need a hardy kiwi like most of us in the U.S. who are not lucky
enough to live in the warmer climates. (Stupid assumption, of
course, since we have folks from all over the world on these forums).
Anyway, I found a relatively inexpensive golden variety for you here ...http://www.daleysfruit.com.au/buy/kiwifruit-gold-seedling-vine.htm?PHPSESSID=53343d53f40d269693643b5f3ba5c03a BUT ... it is cheap because it does not come true to type and is being offered as a way for people to experiment and come up with their own, new varieties. If you aren't especially particular which variety you get but only want them to be gold, then this might be a good way to start.
Most everything else I found is over $20 per plant or the nurseries only carry seeds. Maybe you could try reading some stuff on propagation methods from seed and try growing them again. If it was me, I would rather spend a few bucks for a packet of seed than a few hundred bucks for a bunch of small saplings. If they don't germinate, you haven't really lost much, and if they do, you've saved a lot of money.
Here are a few random "how-to" sites I found with a quick search ...