Raven Sutherland wrote:hello Peter and Welcome,
i would like to hear about mushrooms that ramp up your immune system
or prevent cancer such as reishe and shitaki and how this works.
There is endless rubbish circulating on the web about how certain things will "boost your immune system".
Ninety-nine per cent of it is unscientific crap.
I can find
one study (summarised here, with a link to the paper:
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/04/150416112826.htm *) on this subject, which suggests that daily consumption of
Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) mushrooms resulted in participants showing improved function in gamma delta T-cells and reductions in inflammatory proteins.
I can also find a pile of unscientific claptrap.
Similarly, if someone had found a mushroom to reliably prevent cancer, we'd probably know all about it. They'd make billions from the extracts.
There are papers that point towards anti-cancer properties for Reishi (
Ganoderma lucidum), Maitake (
Grifola frondosa) and even shiitake (
Lentinula edodes), all of which you could grow but, as a doctor working for Cancer Research UK explains in this article:
http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/mar/02/could-mushrooms-cure-cancer there are
lots of things can kill cells in a lab, not just mushroom extracts. Whether it is bleach or leaving the incubator door open, there may be many reasons for the positive results. It doesn't mean they are all treatments for cancer.
"When it's something like food, people get really excited and say: 'Does it mean if I eat enough of these things, it will have this effect on me?' she says. "It doesn't really work that way because you don't know about the dose, you don't know whether by eating something it's bio-available – meaning it can get from the inside of your tummy into your bloodstream and into the tumour in a dose that's actually relevant. That's the trouble.
course, it's also possible to eat too much of a good thing. Eating "loads of mushrooms", especially those with complex biological actions, may not be any more of a good thing than tipping loads of products of the pharmacology industry down your throat.
This article seems to reliably summarise the information you seek on cancer:
*Note that Science Daily is not exactly my go-to source for reliable information!