I live in a very rural area, in town, and we are the end of the grid as far as electrical
feed. Here you need an alternate heat source that does not depend on the grid, and ways to deal with a few days or so of no power, possibly no
water, at times. And the weather. We are in tornado alley.
Last night we had the entire region get hit with very bad weather, and the power went. Calling the power company, their entire service area was affected, as they said they lost major transmission lines from tornados. We had
firewood though it wouldn't be that cold, and the matches were missing so pinch hit with a autofire bernzomatic (piezo start). We have a second hand generator in the process of having the engine being rebuilt... so.
That said, how ready are you to deal with a natural disaster, having the power disappear, having your water disappear, or worse, too much water and say, what if you lost your roof? Are you ready to deal? What do you need to deal? What if your neighbors aren't prepared and show up on your doorstep? What if someone you don't know comes to your door?
I keep firewood for a fireplace (and plan on doing
RMH's, scheduled this summer), and keep a rotating pantry that could feed us for 30-45 days. I keep water on hand and have ponds and means of purifying that water if needed. If flush plumbing disappears we do have bale setups for #1 and can dig pits for #2. I can lean on my landscape for 7-9 months to help feed self. I have backup for residence if I would lose the roof and unless the place was totaled could repair it within a few months by myself with mostly everything on hand and some creative bodging. (our zoning allows a person to do their own work without permit, whether construction, wiring, or plumbing). Only thing I'm a bit short on is if someone else comes to the door and wants what I have.
What do you think one
should have on hand whether it's being on grid and losing some of it for a time, or if a natural disaster comes to visit?