I have buried some 4" perforated line in the soil beneath my chicken/greenhouse.
It's not deep enough or insulated at all.
But I plan on using a fan to push
rocket stove/solar heat into the soil for storage. I might even boil
water in a "open" vessel and push the steam into the ground.
Of note is use of corrugated perforated pipes vs. standard pipe.
Subterranean heating and cooling system (shcs) is one term of
art for the systems using the black perforated tubes.
SHCS or SHC system might be the best way to refer to such a system while distinguishing it from earth tubes.
SHC systems using perforated pipe actually take advantage of the condensation that occurs inside the pipe.
Because this condensation is a phase change that occurs when the heat in the water vapor transfers to the surface it passes,it's great for a system which is trying to store heat in the surround soil.
For a system that is trying to warm incoming air,it maybe at cross purposes.
Another feature is the exposure to soil life. Proponents of the perforated pipe say the natural soil organisms defeat the molds and mildew.
I am concerned that I might kill off these organisms if I introduce steam or even just very hot air.
The other pertinent difference between the SHC and earthtube systems is intake air.Earth tubes draw from outside of the building .A SHC system generally pulls heated air from the highest point in the greenhouse.