Hi Jesse,
You still didn't say what your heating or cooling needs are. If you're in the tropics and have a dry winter, I would hazard a guess that you don't have an extreme heating need in the winter. In that case, you might get
enough warmth in winter from just a thermal-massy earthen building (eg adobe), and maybe a lightweight removeable woodstove for backup heat for a few chilly nights a year. If your heavier needs are on the cooling needs side, then you're probably in good shape anyway.
A house across the river from our south-facing school is on a north-facing slope, but I always notice that even in winter it is not shaded but the hill, so if someone were to try to make it solar-heated, it would be possible to get
solar heat gain at least on the upper story. So north-facing doesn't always mean no
solar gain. It depends on the degree of the slope, and what actual things are to the south shading the site.
Permaculture doesn't necessarily require a perfect sun-facing exposure. It depends on your heating and cooling needs! If you're in the tropics the sun is somewhat overhead most of the time and N-S make less difference.
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