I dont really get it. For example my sod was 10% Kentucky bluegrass and 90% dwarf fescue. Where is this Kentuckian in my
lawn? I dont hear him playing appalachian music. I dont see him buck dancing amongst the fescue dwarves.Whats is the reasoning of mixing? Do they cross fertilize or something to prevent incest.
I understand in some cases due to climate you'll have one variety that goes dormant and another will fill in. that makes sense to me.
I see that in some mixes, for example an eco fescue seed has some seven seven varieties, why would this be advantageous? The stronger would tend to survive and you end up with what works best in your situation? one could create a nuance green pastel of colors be seperating the seeds and making patterns?
Since my overseeding question is different and different than those I've read in other areas, I'll post another topic.