Hi there everyone.
I am planning a strawbale home using
wood framing that is designed to sit on top of a raised earth foundation.
I think i grasp
enough the foundation type but i need some more input.
The foundation will consist of the trench with packed stones (different lifts of different grades, as describe by JC ) upto grade.
After that i want to put a stone (quarried granite/diorite) elevation (wall) upto about 50-60cm (cca 2ft).
The plan is to use largest stone possible to handle by mere mortals for this elevation.
This seems pretty standard but any info about watcha's and caveats and other recommendations are welcome.
Now, the questions i have are more to do with attaching the wood structure to the elevation.
I've seen the traditional way is to use stone plinths and posts scribed to them.
That is ok but i'm on top of a wall above grade.
How do i do that ?
Besides, the PE will definitely want to use some sort of wood "bond beam" on top.
How does this go around ?
How do i attach this beam to the posts and to the wall ?
I have
local vernacular examples of this but the "grade beam" used on the entire perimeter was huge, 40cm wood, that i don't have access to.
On top of that they just built the posts and the rest of the structure.
Please give a hand in understanding the possibilities/restrictions so when i confront the PE i'm not talking bs.
I know that if one has a good case, the PE can see the "light".
So, thanks for any input.