well,days are shorter but the year is drawing to a close.
Ive got a bit off''schedule''i was set to build my smoke house but i always walk the edge lines of my property in the morn with my
coffee,when all of a sudden my potato thief arrived.caught in the act.so instead of building that day it was cleaning and processing for me.sorry if this upsets some but this is part of our food stores.a blessing it will be.i did manage to get a few of the spring beds set and we found a great
gift inthe woods.chick of the woods.and found more reasons to carry a weapon around when walking look at this tree.the 30th was a black out moon and we heard some thing being drug through the woods,we went to see what was out there and found nothing but a warm
urine smell,the next morn i found this tree.thats not bullet holes thats a claw that pierced the tree.and then the rain.it helped start the new collector. and then i started a new rock carving''the gate keeper''