Hi Dave,
Welcome to permies, three months in.
I don't come
online much and just read your post.
Have you found any other information about Insulating Earthbag builds in Illinois?
Have you checked out websites of Kelly Hart and Owen Geiger. THey have over 3000 pages of free information.:
and one or two more sites, which are ilsted on the others.
I remember Owen talking about how not insulating earthbag in a very cold climate
can be like living in a cave, he said that in at least one post on one of those sites.
THe folks, Canadian Dirt Bag blog, metioned this too.
also, might go to BUILD IT
SOLAR. A GREAT DIY site for various ideas for insulation. movable and stationary.
I live in Appalachia, a little different from Illinois, yet cold and wet winters. Snow, below zero can happen and more...
THere is a SIPS panel company within thirty miles. and they give away extra rigid foam they don't use.
some pieces are huge--4'x10' etc.
this isR4 per inch value. pieces are 4, 5.5 and 7.5 inches thick.
I rented a U=haul truck and filled it. it cost $140 dollars for truck rental/petrol for more than a thousand dollars worth of insulation!
What a great deal.
I super insulated the interior of my exterior walls, floor and ceiling where i live, (220 sq ft part of a mobile home)
having added akin to R20 and R28 to those surfaces.
AND now the space is very nice.-- shorter to stand in so not heating tall ceiling.
I also used Armafoil radiant barrier and 2x2's to create dead air spaces between walls , ceiling and the insulation.
Doing that, added extra depth to the walls. This created space to put movable insulation into the
new "window and door
wells' to keep even more heat in the home.
I know this isn't your exact question, yet it may trigger some other answers for you from other folks.