Our paddock for our future sheep is quite small and it is clear that I have to get food in.
The people I buy it from tell me that I still have to subdivide the paddock.
The paddock size is 440 m² =4 736 square foot. Width ca. 15 m = 49 feet
Length ca. 28 m = 92 feet.
I have two options in mind:
1.) The easy one divide paddock the short way, put some mounds in plant
trees. Put some star posts and mesh around trees.
2.) The difficult way. Divide paddock
lengthwise. Put a double
fence in, maybe 1.5 m apart, make huegel bed in between, plant trees into this strip, whole length. How high
should the
fence be and would they lean on the fence?
With both possibilities I am not sure what to plant either only what the sheep eats, some mixture of tree lucerne,
rose bushes etc. Or bring more
feed in and plant olive trees there. Do sheep like eating olive trees?