Any bobcat just meandering would make me a little nervous. Where we live, they say that if you see it during the day, it's ill, etc.
I have two boxers that will take on anything that gets in their space, but big cats? Not worth potential injury to the pets as far as I'm concerned. My husband saw a cougar a few years ago, and the guy that lives behind us had a face to face encounter with one. He's a hunter/ trapper and was getting his cameras from the creek area when suddenly.....He said the cougar scooted off pretty darn quick, but he was so surprised he didn't have time to react before it was gone.
This was the first year that I lost two hens, probably to coyotes.

That's the price you pay when they free range, I guess. There was milo planted in the fields next to us, so plenty of cover for predators. I never considered electric fencing, but there's plenty of people around here that use it, maybe more to keep their critters in? I don't know.
I can't do it, but most people out here will shoot anything that threatens their homestead, livestock, etc. I thought about shooting w/ buckshot, just to scare it off, but was told that all I'm going to do is piss it off.