I bought property where we will be building... Was told by the real estate agent there was a well on it, I found something that would be it. The neighbors, however, say they don't recall a well on the place, maybe it's a cistern? Many years ago, before the house (which burned) was built, the guy ran
cattle in that area, they think it might be an
underground cattle watering cistern. They could be wrong, they could be right. How can I tell what this is?
What I can see is a about 4 inch casing with a wire in it, going down, a pipe with faucet on it coming up, and a cement splash pad that looks (from the weathering) like it's at least 40 years old. The pad slopes towards downhill, is about 6 foot across. I have not had time yet to run a wire and see if the pump works. What am I looking for when I have time to figure this out?
Thanks for any advice!!