I hear you.
I have done well on some grants, and some low interest loans over the last few years, but also hit some serious road blocks too. I don't mind entertaining government programs if they mesh well with my farm plan, but around here there are three types of farmers:
1. Those that swear off all help from the Government, or at least say they do. (Since all farm subsidies are searchable by town residence, it is easy to find out who is lying).
2. The farmers that aren't really farming, they are constantly changing their farms so they can get grants
3. The farms like mine that occasional use a government program grants, or low interest loans, to achieve their farm goals
Lately I cannot seem to get anywhere. I had an erosion issue on my farm that was so bad soil was washing into the road and I had to take a loader and scoop up the topsoil so cars would not bottom out on it. That is pretty bad. I called the NRCS for an Equip Grant to convert the corn field to permanent grass and they never even showed up to look at it. Because of that it was never ranked and so got bypassed that first year. My wife is on the board and knew they were flush with cash in that fund, but I missed the appeal deadline that year. It automatically rolled over into the next year of funding, and they dismissed that too. Two years and they never even showed up to see what the issue was. I was MAD! I filed a lawsuit to the National Appeals Board and had my hearing last month and
should have a decision soon. 2 stinking years and they never even showed up to see the problem, soil erosion was what they were founded on. I presented a good case, and while it is a bit early to tell, the fact that the NRCS wants to come out next month and see the issue pretty much says what the decision was. It can be retro acted and that is what I will expect will happen.
The NRCS is supposed to be supervised by the Soil and Water Conservation Districts which was part of Congress mandate when they established the NRCS. Every other state abides by this law, but not the Maine NRCS. The State Conservationist hates being overseen by a
local governing body, but that was in the previous administration. It might be a bit different now.