Hello everyone.
My family and I just purchase some acreage we will be using for some small scale homesteading and farming.
We have some pasture but the majority is wooded with hemlock which is not high in value and dying due to the adelgid disease. We are working with a forester who will be helping us harvest the majority of these
trees in order to make space and renew our woods to some extent.
We hope to plant tree seedlings of high value and that have different benefits. After doing much research and knowing of the many benefits of
black locust, we have decided to grow them all over the property in particular we have set our minds on the improved strains of black locust tree.
The improved strain comes from Europe with much faster growth and straight trunks and also higher pollen/honey yielding traits.
Does any know where to purchase this improved variety or knows of anyone that has imported any of them from Europe where they bred for these specific traits?
I believe we came across two sources here in the United States that carry an improved straight trunk variety but they are sold out for the season and I believe they are not the ones from Europe.
Any help and guidance is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.