Is there anyone else that is even doing this? I haven't been able to find much
online. Here is what I am hoping to do. I would love to hear any thoughts from any of you.
I would like to combine 2-4 pigs with the 4 sheep we have on a rotational paddock system. I know this poses quite a few challenges. These are primarily for food production, and improving the soil/land, and maybe even working up a
pond in the back with the pigs through the process of gleying.
Here is a portable shelter concept I think can work
Basically taking 1-2 hog panels and bending them in a half circle then connecting them to the perimeter of the
fence or a t-post or two for stability. A tarp would go over the top, and another would go on the back. To keep it lightweight I have rigged up a chain that connects them together at the bottom instead of
wood. Here is a big challenge that I am not sure how to tackle: Right now we are herding our sheep from the paddock they are in to the barn every night for protection against predators. A good youtube video on the subject made this a very easy process for us. However, if we add pigs into the system would we be able to have them follow the sheep into the barn at nights? I think it makes sense for them to stay in the barns until they are out of coyote munching range which I have been told is about 100lbs. I don't believe mountain lions venture into my property so I am willing to gamble on that.
Ideally I have a hose within distance at all times to the paddock that is connected to a pig nipple, so that system would be automatic. For the sheep I was thinking of keeping a taller
bucket available. Perhaps the bucket could be hanging off of a sturdy part of the
fence, or even throwing a cinder block inside of it to keep it weighed down to make it harder for the pigs to tip over. The challenge would be making sure that the sheep have clean water available to them if they don't use the pig nipple. I have a black water trough that is about 12 inches high and 3 feet by maybe 1.5 feet, would pigs dirty that up if I tried using that?
90%+ forage within the paddocks. I have access to a lot of apples from the neighbors and plan on having extra vegetables to throw in for the pigs mainly. I do not want to buy any pig
feed, but might use some cheap barley at the very end. I know that growing them off of forage takes longer and I am okay with that.
We have 4 suffolk mixed sheep since that is what we have in the area. For pigs we are thinking of the american guinea hog and/or the tamworth. We want a docile breed of pig for my petite wife as well as my young kids 3 at the ages of 3-9. Also the pig breeds above are suppose to be excellent with foraging which is crucial in this system.
Here is where it gets tricky. I like the idea of using hog panels maybe 4-8 different 16 ft hog panels connected with carabiners. This would be much easier to move around in my mind then an electric fence system. If the pigs/sheep are being moved every 2-3 days onto fresh forage I think that would keep them pretty happy. If the pigs start pushing on the fencing I could simply attach some cinder blocks with some wire hooks on the outside of the panels. I am most hesitant about using panels as it does not easily scale up, nor do I know anyone that has tried this. The electric fencing would scale easier if we wanted to add more animals into the mix next year. However, we are just starting out our small
permaculture farm systems, and those hog panels will have some use later for sure. After typing this out it occurred to me the electric fencing route would make the nightly travel to the barn unnecessary.
If you know of anyone doing this please give a shout! If it works I will do my best to post a video.