It looks like your sky light will work great for a cold frame, or as a Hot bed cover. I did a small hot bed some years ago with single pain glass windows that I was given. I dug down about 2' and put in some horse
poop for heat and sifted back the top soil. The sides were simply bales of
straw. I piled the rest of the unused dirt around the Bales. Because your glass is so big you will want an easy way to ventilate the heat out as you get toward spring. Otherwise you will cook your tender plants. Some easy way to get into the plants to
water and to pick when it gets to be time sould also be in your design for the cold frame. Since you have 8' to work with I would suggest making a door at the back of the frame, 8' X 8' is pretty large to try and lift each time you want in there to water, pick, plant work, etc. Good luck with your