Crazy Idea, sort of out side of the box thinking here. If you have that much water seeping out of the hill, then why not use it? Dig back into the hill as far as you need to go to have your green house, and dig a deeper floor. build a solid wall maybe 6" to 12" from the dirt and fill the gap with stone. Allow the water to flow down through the stones and have openings at the bottom of your wall so that the water will fill the space that will be under your green house floor. See what your water level is and build your greenhouse floor above that. Now you have 56 degree heat sink below your floor all the time. if the water flows, all the better. You can add a small hand pump to water the plants in the green house. This construction may cost a bit more, but if you have lemons, make lemon aid. It seems a shame to waste all that water.
If that idea doesnt seem like it will work for you, try building the greenhouse above the
land and back fill up to the back side. Basicaly like an old Bank Barn here in the East.