
My name is Charlie, a lifelong hippie and geek, living with my boyfriend/husband in Missouri. Except my mom put her eye out with her thumb last month, so we're back in Illinois helping her, Good thing we can just tow our house behind the truck. My mom thought it was "trashy" that I wanted to live in a trailer, until I started calling it a "tinyhouse". Trending makes it all okay, am I right?
Sorry in advance if I come across as angry or bitter, All the animal abuse, deforestation, forced sterilization, and mass extinction has made me very misanthropic. Guilty until proven innocent, especially if it involves pollution or puppies. I love every plant and animal except humans.
I know, we were actually a pretty cool species for hundreds of thousands of years. But I was born in this time, this country, this selfish greedy society. It makes me absolutely sick. Perhaps I wouldn't care if I couldn't love, but my family is brainwashed, drugged, duped, and poisoned every single day by everyone with a title before their name. Yet most of them are utterly oblivious.
So I've made this account on behalf of myself and my boyfriend, in an attempt to befriend any like-minded individuals. We have no friends besides dogs, snakes, birds,
trees, and rocks. Some human companionship would
be nice. Especially a pretty lady, one who likes other ladies, but I
should probably keep that to myself

Rather be in no company than bad company.
Fun Fact: I'm really bad about expressing every thought as an essay. More information about me, should you for some reason give a hoot, might be found on my profile. Hopefully, folks on this forum will be patient with my crabby arse, and I might find respect here. Then I won't feel so alone in Mother Earth's Revolution.