If there is already a
thread on this, please let me know, I've searched and found none, but it could be operator error.
I have a dry doe I have not milked for 6 weeks. I thought she was pregnant, and due to kid a few days ago. She is not pregnant, has not kidded.
8 weeks ago she was giving a half gallon a day at one milking. I had a hard time getting her to dry off, it took two weeks of just taking a little before she was not bursting at the seams. A week ago I milked out the residual fluids in her udder, to see if she was making colostrum, but she wasn't.
I read on the internet about relactation, and the topic is discussed in detail re humans. Lactation in humans can be re-established through suckling, manual or mechanical
milk expression.
She is on fresh mixed green pasture with minimal baled organic alfalfa supplement, and about 1/4 - 1/2 cup of sunflower seeds at milking time. She also receives peanuts as an occasional treat, and dried (Maine) kelp meal as much as she wants. Re appearance, behavior, herd dynamics, hoof and coat condition, mucosa color and condition she appears to be in excellent health as are her pasture mates, one 10 week doeling and two does who freshened in March.
I will be consulting the vet next week re oxytocin and prolactin assist.
This morning I milked her and got 1/8 cup of beautiful white milk. I intend to milk her at least three times a day, and will keep measuring to see if there is an increase.
I will be consulting the vet next week about possible use of oxytocin and prolactin.
I feel sure I am not the only person who has faced this situation and wonder what anyone can tell me about getting her milk back?