We have two Silkies that we have been raising with our meat birds, which are a Cornish Rock Cross. The Silkies are about two months old and real small, they are bantams and will only get a little bigger than they are now. They live in a small coop and run with about 40 of the meat birds who are about 1 month old and at least twice as big. We have been moving the Silkies with the younger meat chicks who are now about 1.5 weeks old. We don't like the Silkies with the meat birds and want to move them in with the layers as soon as possible. We have about 60 layers of various breeds and ages. Mostly Barred Rock and Ameraucanas about half of whom are about 6 months old. There are also 3 roosters one of which is huge, literally about 5 times the size of the Silkies. We want to move them because the area is much bigger with a lot of pasture area. We also think the meat birds are kind of dumb and lazy and lame and the Silkies are so much more interesting. They are tough and hold their own with these bigger
Is it a good idea to put these Silkies in that run and coop at this point or any point?
What troubles might we have?
Is there anything to make the move easier?