Im in central florida. About 15 from the coast and like 40 something odd miles north of tampa .My soils pretty sandy so i will probably be dropping
wood down into the soil most likely for a hugelkulture effect but ive been looking into living fences for a while now and the bulk of what i read in searching is either way way way north of me or in the uk. When i was 10 i used tovhear wild bob whites out here and hace heard that the disappearance of hedge rows from farm lands was partially why thwyve started dissapearing. That combined with the fact that the attle
fence is starting to need major repair and my resources are limited i thought id turn to an atyemt at hedgerows. Id prefer if the had another purpose like bearing sum sort of food for my family or at least the ecoaystem but maybe thats too much to ask. If any one has sum input for my neck of the woods itd be greatly appreciated