The Sacred Exchange
Sharing wild ferments, forages, herbal concoctions, cultures and brews.
Meet others who share your love for the magic of bacteria, yeast and fermentation! Bring your latest or favorite creation to trade and take home some new things to try. Share recipes, ask questions, make friends!
should be wild crafted/foraged, fermented, cultured, brewed, or otherwise made at home using traditional methods, bacteria or herbs. Earth and good Soil is the limit! Bring extras in container to give away- we'll do an open exchange where you can trade your artisan products for others that interest you. Please bring some for everyone to sample if possible!
Don't have anything to share? Just want to come to learn? We'd love to have you! (P.S. The farm and museum are also open for visits anytime.)
This event is held the first Thursday of the month at Stone Garden Farm in NE Ohio. Feel free to contact us for more info if you are in the area and interested.
Next gathering will be Aug. 3rd at 7:00pm -or on
Facebook: Stone Garden Farm