I have a Leclerc floor loom, and have often thought of how to increase the number of harnesses on the loom (it has 4 harnesses) by using an auxiliary frame. This would be free standing, not actually connected to the loom except by the warp, and could have 2 or 4 additional harnesses, either jack or counterbalance. Two upside down T shaped uprights, with braces to keep everything square, placed outside the
footprint of the loom, with the new harnesses to the back of the main harnesses, unless it is a counterbalance system, and then half would go behind and half in front of the loom harnesses. I'm hoping to avoid buying parts from Leclerc (so expensive) and instead buy parts from the hardware store. Though if my green woodworking skills were up to snuff then I could probably harvest the
wood from my property. I already have lots of extra heddles (the eyes the individual threads of warp go through on the harnesses). There would have to be a board going across the top connecting the two uprights and to which to connect the lifting system for the new harnesses. I'll try to do a sketch of my idea.
Happy weaving! Gretchen