I did not want to delve into that spiritual aspects of smudging words spoken can be really quite simple.
" if you don't belong here? Please leave. The semi proper way to do it is the leave windows and doors open , start at the center of a room,and if as sweeping , work the dirt towards the door. I expected NO responses to this post.
I have people who understood this, I have had people shrug this off as a pagen ritual. Wanna know something??
Everyone loves the smell as long as you tell them" yea, it's incesnce " I like the way it smells . Way I got it fiquire do? No
Matter what anyone believes? Everyone
Enjoys it. I just leave out the reason I do it 😄
Many fiquire it out later. I love that smell. Only thing I am missing ? A traditional abalone shell. I'll live lol
Ps Bryant, I always catch things late in text. Just a wild guess, you are of
Native American decent.
Guess I'm preaching to the choir on this subject . Would like to hear more on the ceramonial aspects. And the way your culture uses it. Really. I would