The "Ely" heater was one of three L-shaped, 8" heaters we helped lay out on our 2012 cross-country trip.
8" is a good size for the US-Canadian border area (Minnesota, upstate NY, Maine, etc).
The Big Rock heater is still operating, and its owner did a very cheerful video update, here:
However, the other two projects are not still in service.
The original Ely heater was been removed when the owner sold that vacation cabin. He hopes to re-install it in a greenhouse at their new place, eventually.
The Maine heater ran into inspector problems. (That part of Maine has seen some bad problems when the old Mother Earth News barrel stoves burn out, and wants nothing to do with metal-barrel installations.) The owner decommissioned the heater by removing the barrel in order to comply with insurance/legal requirements, but left the bench in place.
Here are a few images from the L-shaped projects.
(These plans are still marked "draft," but enough people have expressed interest that we're letting them out of the bag so you can get on with your project planning.)