Larry Bock wrote:The local plumbing supply house stocks Harvard well hand pumps. I was wondering if anyone had any owns one or had any input whether it was a decent pump and how far it will pull. Thanks.. Larry
The maximum depth a pump can "pull" is 30 feet, that's about as far down as you can 'pull'
water with a perfect vacuum above it. To go beyond 30 feet, you have to 'push' the water up from the bottom.
Most of the pitcher type hand pumps are only good down to about 20 feet.
Some hand pumps have a well casing and a rod, or an internal pipe, going down with a traveling valve and foot valve at the bottom. These can pump from as deep as you're strong
enough to lift the column of water, maybe a hundred feet or so.
My opinions are barely worth the paper they are written on here, but hopefully they can spark some new ideas, or at least a different train of thought