Eat the dandelions! That's what I do. Unless you or the previous owner have been dumping poisons onto the lawn, it'd probably be the best thing you could do for both your wallet and your body. Dandelions are incredibly nutritious and every part of them is edible. It's a little late in the year now, but pick the leaves when they're young and tender (they're less bitter then) and either eat them raw in a salad or cooked. They're a good source of calcium and many other minerals and vitamins. Their
root, which is great for your liver, is best harvested in winter (and will be most nutritious if you wait until its third year to pull it up), when the plant has stored up lots of sugars. Julienne the
roots and stir-fry or add to a soup or stew. You'll find lots more info, including recipes, on the Net. I'll leave it to you to find out, if you so desire, how to make dandelion flower wine!
Perversely, most people dump pesticides on their lawns to eradicate the very "weeds", which, if they ate them instead, might restore their health.