I've been reading this forum periodically for some time (mostly because google searches bring me here). I am in the process of starting a blog at
https://groundandfury.com that is about
gardening, farming, homesteading, and other related issues in the Palouse region. I figured I
should finally start posting here and reading more regularly to get more ideas about material and meet people who can give advanced feedback. My blog is still getting up and going and not all of the key material is yet available. Further, the camera on my phone is broken so any pictures not taken by my wife are garbage haha, so forgive bad pictures.
Some of my particular interest are in classic
gardening and homesteading texts, no-till gardening, hugelkultur,
beekeeping, heirloom bulbs, and
sustainable agriculture generally.
I look forward to using this forum and getting to know other people interested in sustainable agriculture!
"Of all occupations from which gain is secured, there is none better than agriculture, nothing more productive, nothing sweeter, nothing more worthy of a free man." - Cicero
Check out my website at https://groundandfury.com