[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/frankenstoen/5026632386/]Polyporus squamosus by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/frankenstoen/]frankenstoen , on Flickr
I think the key to having lots of fungi is to have lots of
trees and lots of decaying
wood (though there are mushrooms like
Coprinus comatus and
Agaricus campestris that prefer meadows). Shade and moisture are key.
Lawn Mushrooms by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/frankenstoen/]frankenstoen , on Flickr
I discussed some possible strategies in this
https://permies.com/permaculture-forums/6391_0/fungi-/innoculating-live-trees-with-edible-fungi Paul Stamets goes into great detail about forest garden cultivation in his book
Mycelium Running.
I wish I had some
land where I could try some of these strategies.