So about a month ago my neighbor was harvesting and cleaning her onions and being super meticulous about stripping off the outer dead skins, and trimming the
roots right to the bulb. I was curious, as I have never cleaned my onions so severely as this. She said that last year she had not done nearly as clean a job and she noticed an abundance of earwigs made there way into her house and seemed to be directly associated with where she hung the onions. She tends to be a bit more particular about things, so I didn't really take it to heart. I had never noticed a connection between the two species, and so I went about trimming my roots and brushing the drier and dirty material off the bulbs as I have always done, and hung them up in the woodshed to cure a bit. Today, I went to take them from the woodshed and put them into the dry warm crawl space below the house. I hauled the bundles in rubbermaid tote that I set in a wheelbarrow, and then lifted the tote down into the hole that goes down below. This sort of process always accumulates a bit of dry leaf debris in the tote, and, after the job was complete, with several dozen hauls, as I went to clean the tote I saw and earwig. And then another one. And yet again a third. And a forth and a fifth.
I know longer doubt the observations of my neighbor.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller