The fastest and cheapest option is most probably pressurized
water. We use this method whenever required. With right "gun" type you can do many things with a car washer. If you use point-tip (the piece that decides the shape of the water beam), it can cut concrete (with regular washer it might take time though), break (turn into sand) excess concrete, open holes etc. Line-tip gun , which is the most widely used, can clean excess mortar, clean tanks that have rigid walls. You can also clean plastic tanks if you have a distance of 4-5 ft (~2m), but I don't recommend that. There are also eye-shaped, star shaped versions that work better on cars. Generally speaking almost all car washers work at the same pressure level. So it does not necessarily mean that you need a big one to do some real work. Small ones do the exact job, but you might need to take a break every 30 mins. We have Karcher here in Europe, Bosch also has models too. Karcher K2 and up will do.
It is fast, no dust = clean and cheap.
Just a word of caution. Pressurized water beam might be really dangerous though. It cuts through concrete, flesh and cloths won't stand a chance. Don't let dogs and kids be free when working, they fall in love with water jets. For yourself wear eye and etc. protection!