good luck with the natural building and composting toilet stuff. being from sc myself, and closing in on your dream myself, ill tell you that sc isnt very friendly toward eco friendly building. there is no county in sc where you wont need a perk test and therefore a septic system to get a building permit or financing. also, according to the dhec dude who does the perk tests in richland county, grey
water recycling is still frowned apon here...... atleast for now. for us, when we get around to building in a couple years (doing most the work ourselves, and out of pocket), we plan to have the plumbing system all connected to the septic until its passed code, then redo it for grey water recycling later. also, look in to dry stack
concrete block with structural concrete stucco home building....... makes good
solar collection, and shouldnt have any trouble passing code or getting financing here. you may not be into financing yourself, but make sure you can
sell it if you need to at a later date. check out the link below, it'll give you some ideas. on a side note, if you can find any plant guild info in the clemson library, please forward it to me. it is a little hard to find.