Being nice, kind, and gracious costs you nothing, and pays huge dividends.
Rosa Elena Rivera wrote:Hello, I keep two aquariums (20 and 55) that are heavily planted and I may be a bit overstocked (corydoras keep breeding), I don’t have a set aquaponic system in place but I try to do my water changes weekly and use the water that I take out (vacuum my substrate, remove pest snails, extra plants, etc) and I irrigated my plants by hand... it is winter after all; and the biggest change I have seen is the amount of flowers that my lemon treen put out, it has been flowering not stop for the past 4 weeks!!! The aroma is heavenly... I don’t expect too many lemons... no pollinators inside the house. I bet if I keep it up next year I’ll have a great lemon year 😊
With appropriate microbes, minerals and organic matter, there is no need for pesticides or herbicides.
Rosa Elena Rivera wrote:I don’t have a set aquaponic system in place but I try to do my water changes weekly and use the water that I take out (vacuum my substrate, remove pest snails, extra plants, etc) and I irrigated my plants by hand...
I will be putting a 70 gallon (230 liter?) aquarium in my living room. I will slowly stock it with juvenille fish and let grow big together - major point us that the initial bioload will be low. I would like to put two shelves over the aquarium and put 4 house plants on each shelf. They will most likely be spider plants and will also start out as clippings. They will all be grown hydroponically, without any soil. I would like to circulate the water from the aquarium into the plants but I dont know how to calculate the balance so that the water is kept clean and the plants have enough nutrients. Any suggestions?
Tom Connolly wrote:I will be putting a 70 gallon (230 liter?) aquarium in my living room. I will slowly stock it with juvenille fish and let grow big together - major point us that the initial bioload will be low. I would like to put two shelves over the aquarium and put 4 house plants on each shelf. They will most likely be spider plants and will also start out as clippings. They will all be grown hydroponically, without any soil. I would like to circulate the water from the aquarium into the plants but I dont know how to calculate the balance so that the water is kept clean and the plants have enough nutrients. Any suggestions?
Live large! And I'm talking to you tiny ad!
A rocket mass heater is the most sustainable way to heat a conventional home