So I will admit I have been lurking around these forums for several weeks. I have wanted to try my hand at building an
RMH for a long time, and finally it is well underway. I bought the Builders guide by the Wisners (Thanks you two for an amazingly helpful piece of literature). And I bought the 4 DVD set (digital) and watched it (More than once).
I have been working on an 8 inch system for my
wood shop. I have a YouTube channel and it was killing me not being able to be out there unless I was constantly feeding the
Wood stove more wood. It would get it warm then as soon as it started to ember out it was cold again. So I ripped it out put up with Propane heat for a few days while I got the J tube and plumbing all set. As of 3 days ago I am on ROCKET heat. So wanted to say THANK YOU ALL ON HERE, reading thru these forums has been a big help.
If you would like to see it. I have been filming the process and uploading to my channel "Uncle Cys Woodworking". As of this post I have not finished it yet and there will still be more videos added as progress is made.