Somebody gave me an
apple on this old post, so that reminded me that this
thread exists!
Serviceberry is the exact same species as "june berry" or "saskatoon".
Here is my favorite wooden
spoon which happens to made of serviceberry
A few days ago, we created
a thread about carving wood spoons and a bunch of people are whipping out spoons. I got the urge to make a spoon too. My property is infested with tons of serviceberry. So Jocelyn and I went out and cut out a green stick (because green wood is the best wood for carving anything - especially spoons).
Jocelyn took this pic of us getting a stick from a really big serviceberry bush:
Jocelyn took this pic of me hacking off a chunk:
Then splitting it to make two wooden spoon "blanks"
Jocelyn made a bouquet out of some of the twigs. She thinks that with some
water, the twigs will bloom, making a lovely winter serviceberry boquet.
More pics about the spoon soon ...