Hi Grace-
There's usually a couple different components inside a
fence charger. There's a little circuitboard with sensitive electronics on it, maybe that went bad and those are fairly easy to swap out. The capacitor, which looks like a round cylinder, may have gone bad. There may be a transformer inside them that could have gone bad, if it's a kind that plugs into a 110v outlet. There's a coil inside there too, which ramps up the voltage to (generally) 10,000 volts for the pulse. Each component ought to be a separate unit inside, it makes for easy assembly during manufacturing. Everything is modular and easy to swap out. The parts themselves aren't terribly expensive, ranging from $10 to $60 or more, depending on the size of the fence charger. I think it's just a gamble to pay $35 to find out if it's a $10 part or if multiple parts are bad and with the 20 or 30 minutes of labor (but billed as an hour) to fix it could potentially cost a couple hundred bucks to repair.