Hello, my buddies and i are new here. I happened upon this site months ago when looking up seed bombs, I don't know why I didn't join then just a derp moment i guess. Anyway we are trying to set up a food forest in Washington state near the sound right smack in the middle of some already established woodland at a summer camp. we've been spending the last four or five months clearing, ripping out blackberry
roots, composting and mulching and now we have soft fluffy furtle (i hope) beds for planting. we just transplanted planted close to a hundred strawberry. (who would have thought they could stuff so many of those guys into those tiny buckets?) as well as a few dwarf fruit
trees, josta berries, asparagus, horse radish, artichoke, red clover, red and green kiwi, Jerusalem artichoke,
apple, Asian pear, superior plum, and Italian plum. so far we have been sorta figuring things out and planning as we go. not really the in depth research, planning and design all the
permaculture books insist need be done before you even eyeball a shovel. we dont realy have our guilds planned out yet so i'm hoping to do some major book work before the guys can get too much more in the ground. Anyway I was wondering if anyone had any tips on
permaculture in the north west, any favorite guilds that might work up here, or really anything pertaining to this area involving stuff that grows, anything whatsoever would be extremely appreciated. thanks!