Hogs are grazers, but they are also omnivores, they will eat what they can find to eat.
If you keep them moving from paddock to paddock, they will graze and not destroy the pasture.
If you leave them in one place for more than a day or two, they will begin to
I have three AGH and when I am putting them on pasture that I want to keep I move them every 2 days, their paddock size is 1/4 acre square when I am moving them for grazing.
Now one thing you have to keep in mind is that most times you hear about the animal/ grass land relationship, it is large animals being referred to, Bison and other bovines,
Deer and Elk are the usual animal references.
These animals are large
enough to trample, manure and move on, they will also browse on tender tree growth.
There is a lot to know when you want to get into using animals the way nature uses animals.
Hogs are usually moved into an overgrown area to "mess things up" so the land can be repurposed quickly.