Does anybody have any advice on building wattle fences? I've recently cut down hundreds of over crowded Yuapon
trees and started on building a
fence with them. I've got the heavier branches (3"-4" dia) set as posts into the ground at about 18"-24" inches deep and set apart at 2 1/2', which I think
should be suitable but please correct me if I'm wrong. And I have branches that are about 4'-8' in length and around 3/4"-2" in dia. to weave with.
The problem that I'm running into is that quite a few of the weaving branches are very curvy and refuse to be woven in. Should I just leave the curved ones out and just figure out something else to do with them or is there a secret to utilizing them? Or am I just over thinking the whole thing

Let me know also if you think I have the post too close together or too far apart. And how high would be too high to go with the
fence? I was thinking about 5 feet, but I'm not to sure.