I've been trying to come up with ways to generate a little farm income and it has evolved into a small herbal tea enterprise at the
local organic farmers co-op market. I started out with using most of these myself and my husband dearly loves Bergamont and spearmint mixed into his green tea. You have to educate people about them too, and at first, I handed out sample packets to my regular customers who then became more regular.
These are the ones I grow:
Gynostemma (Chinese Immortality Herb, boosts immune system, reverses aging according to folklore)
Giant Anise Flavored Hyssop Peppermint, Chocolate,Pineapple Mint Catnip Spearmint
Wild Mt. Strawberry Blueberry or Bilberry Leaf
Rose Hips
Rosemary Oregano Sage Thyme
Lemon Balm Passiflora Bergamont Echinacea
Raspberry (red and black) blackberry