i tend not to like to write intros on forums. nor even "about" blurbs for my blog. but i think
permaculture might be the thing that eventually cures me of my anti-social nature. (care for people, care for people, care for people.... feel like i need to go write this on the chalkboard a hundred times...) so i'm new here, and i guess kind of new to
permaculture, though it really just feels like i finally have a word to encompass a whole lot of ideas i have already been processing and working on for a long while. i have been slowly and steadily (sustainably) moving towards self sufficiency and seeking out all the
local organic food resources (including growing my own) available to me. tomorrow going on a <100 mile road trip, for example, to visit the farm where i'm hoping to join a bean/grain csa this fall. right now i garden a fair amount but i rent, and have restrictions on how much i'm allowed to do there, and have access to one plot at our local community garden. i am also a csa member ( a regular veggie one). and have all our meat, eggs, goat
milk, and just about everything else we eat, sourced locally. some of it i trade for, as i make organic cotton baby stuff that i also
sell at our farmer's market. i'm considering my current state of affairs
permaculture unschool, i have never (and probably will not) taken formal courses but absorbing as much literature and face-to-face knowledge as i can get my hands on, and practicing all the skills so that one day when i have
land i will be able to just get busy. those skills include and are not limited to... composting,
gardening in general, canning/drying/
food preservation, yogurt and cheese making, sprouting, cooking (it doesn't come easy to everyone), grey
water recycling, mulching, etc. i am just sort of in immersion mode, having found one local
permie who happens to be a certified teacher and also happens to be generous about sharing her knowledge, and another friend (my egg farmer) who is a newbie and interested as i am to learn more, to learn alongside. (care for people..... repeat. seriously maybe i'm not the only one on an internet forum who has this issue, but it takes a lot of effort for me to reach out and speak to people! but i've been making an effort, and it has had nice results.) i'm a single mama to one amazing four year old boy, who happens to be super excited to hang out in the garden. i'm in the oregon coast bioregion where we have lots of 55 degree weather just about year round, where things are almost always nice and damp, where we have good luck growing fava beans and kale, where we can walk down to the beach to snag some seaweed/beach detritus for our cold, wet, worm-filled
compost piles.... anyway nice to meet everyone, looking forward to future chats.