I've been working on a 5 acre lot I intend on living in, and I like to plan way in advance for what I plan to keep. I'm in the middle of fencing off the property now, but I'm starting to realize I may not be able to stock everything Id like to. My ideal situation would be to have 4 hair sheep and a breeding pair of American Guinea hogs on the lot, but I'm thinking the
land will only be able to provide for one or the other if my goal is to have the pasture
feed them. I'm leaning more towards AGH, but I thought I would see how viable it would be to keep 4-5 hair sheep on about 4.5 acres with the main goal of keeping the pasture at an appropriate length, secondary goal for fun, and last goal for meat. I'm thinking AGH may be more fun, but I'm very concerned with them destroying the land and rooting up the pasture and making wallows where I do not want them. Sheep seem to be easier. I plan to rotate between 5 pastures around .7-1 acre on a weekly basis, with the goal of minimal supplementation. Is this a realistic goal for hair sheep?