Over 2 one month long food forest courses we have nearly finished a mass planting of a new food forest in Portugal. we planted guilds, installed a swales and a
pond, put in cover crops and sheet mulching. Some photos here:
Photo of the design done by the group, inbetween all of these plants are cover crops, sheet mulching,
compost piles and paths. inside each circle is a guild of companion plants
Each guild was designed by a different student on the
Photo of one of many guilds being planted. on each guild we plant a nitrogen fixer, dynamic accumulator, insect repellers, beneficial insect attractors, we try to include some spring flowering plants to have flowers all year. We include shrubs, ground cover, herbaceous layer and rhizome layer. Onto of that we fill the gaps with annual nitrogen fixers such as beans and clovers that will be chopped and dropped back in as the main plants take over.
Each guild is planted in a big circle with a mount around to catch
water and for a large
polyculture. This is to keep visiting humans away from the tree and use the water for many plants. Each guild is filled with a thick layer of bio char/compost, green mulch and then brown mulch
Three guilds planted next to each other packed with
perennial vegetables.
Photo of the whole food forest with students standing by one of their guilds
For more pictures, designs of guilds and info for future courses check the below link
CLick here for more photos from the course